Jennifer Flume folio 1.0
Hús á Flakki”
Concept for a unique, authentic and exclusive overnight experience for demanding travellers built around an individual story.
#1 Iceland, #2 Switzerland

Creative Biberli
Russikon Switzerland
When friends seem to enjoy the identity you have created for them.
I de Schür private estate and icelandic horse stable.

in print
Berlin Germany
Flyer design for the Icelandic Horse Center Berlin IZB. Come visit IZB during the Icelandic World Championships 2019 !

@ Tungulending
Tjörnes Iceland
The artsave container spent a wonderful 2015 summer at Tungulending.
The journey continues…
Look for us next summer !

Bath England
IMO3 Exhibition
Bath Spa University
20th – 22nd February 2015
Fri 7pm -11pm, Sat/Sun 12pm – 7pm, Unit 4 Seven Dials, Sawclose, Bath, BA1 2AN

All over the Shop
Bath England
IMO3 Exhibition
Bath Spa University
All Over The Shop
Friday, February 7, 2014 at 18h
Green Park Station, Green Park Road, Bath BA1 1JB

Chronicle Published
Zurich Switzerland
IPV CH Chronicle out now !
50 Years of Icelandic Horses in Switzerland
Graphic Design: Jennifer Flume

Berlin Germany
The entire PICTURINGS collection is now available @ Etsy Online. Take a look !

Online now
Zurich Switzerland
Sometimes attention should be paid to the absence of everything. Our Artist Residency Program is now online on the website of the Zurich University of the Arts.

Verbúð 3 Exhibition
Húsavík Iceland
What do you want us to do ? Við viljum bjóða ykkur að skoða það sem við höfum verið að gera hér síðustu viku hér á Húsavík í verbúð 3. Föstudaginn 18. október, klukkan 16. Veitingar í boði. Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur.
Listafólk frá Sviss

now on sale
Zurich Switzerland
The (cook)book of our swiss youth project Bist du was du isst? is now finished. We are very excited !
CHF 50 / EUR 41 plus shipping

the first prototype
Zurich Switzerland
We are going into print ! The book presentation and final project celebration will be on August 18, 2013 in Zurich. Project

Húsavík, Iceland
Our Látrabjarg and Þeistareykir postcards are now on sale at the Húsavík Whale Museum Shop.

Competition winner
Zurich Switzerland
Final winner ! Our youth project Bist du was du isst? takes first place in the 2013 Projekter competition. We are very excited and congratulate all the participants !

North Iceland
Sometimes attention should be paid to the absence of everything.
Supranational Center of Nothingness goes to Iceland.
We will be back May 1, 2013.

In the final
Zurich Switzerland
The projecter jury has selected our project Bist du was du isst? for the 2013 final ! The presentation will take place April 13, 17-19h at Theater der Künste / Podium, Gessnerallee 13, Zurich

(Cook)book project
Zurich Switzerland
Intercultural youth project, collecting recipes with personal stories, investigating and documenting family history and origin and joining in a shared cooking experience.

Action painting
Húsavík, Iceland
Action painting at Saltvík on July 21, 2012 at 14 h. The action is open to public viewing and
participation. The Tsunami Project with the art students from Borgarhólsskóli is finished.

Artsave Published
Zurich, Switzerland
artsave published in Practices of Experimentation, Research and Teaching in the Arts Today, Zurich University of the Arts. Compiled and with a foreword by Christoph Brunner and Giaco Schiesser and various essays.

PICTURINGS at Museum Bellerive
Zurich, Switzerland
From May 11 – September 23,
PICTURINGS will be on sale at the Bellerive Museum Shop during the exhibition Entfesselt – Schmuck ohne Grenzen. Opening May 10, 2012 at 19h.

Sharing in Vogue Sposa

fancy and project bamarang
March 10, 2012: Bamarang projects is featuring a fancy bowls sales campaign on their platform.
Bamarang Sale

artsave competition
Husavik, Iceland
Phase 1 of the artsave container competition is completed. Here is a preview of the Tsunami Project.
In spring 2012, the Husavik Borgarhólsskóli art students will create a full scale Tsunami directly on the container.

artsave in north iceland
Húsavík, Iceland
For further research, artsave has moved north. From July – November 2011, artsave is holding a container competition and invites all kids and students from the Húsavík, Mývatn and Akureyri area to participate.

ready to wear chair at designersblock
Milan, Italy
From April 12-17, 2011 ready to wear chair is on exhibition at Designersblock Milano 2011 as part of the Fuori Salone / Salone del Mobile Milano 2011.
Ventura Lambrate Light Space, Via Privata Oslavia 8, Milano.

picturings at designomat
Zurich/Winterthur, Switzerland
Starting March 1, 2011
PICTURINGS are on vending machine sale at designomat.
For vending machine locations in Zurich and Winterthur check online.

artsave winter location
Reykjavik, Iceland
From December 28, 2010 – January 7th, 2011, we check on the artsave container at the Reykjavik harbour winter location and meet with organisations and artists for possible future collaboration.

artsave and reto ganz
Zurich, Switzerland
artsave presents mapping the site. Exhibition at Kunstraum
Reto Ganz from November 22 – December 6, 2010. Förrlibuckstrasse 62, 8005 Zürich.

St. Gallen, Switzerland
Sept. 1, 2010 – Jan. 30, 2011
ACHTUNG – FRISCH GESTRICKT! at the Textile Museum St. Gallen. Two ready to wear chairs are part of the exhibition and are featured on the cover of the exhibition catalogue.

artsave in reykjavik
Reykjavik, Iceland
artsave is a nomadic research laboratory. For the pilot project from July – November 2010, artsave installs a mobile container at the Reykjavik harbour to investigate and infiltrate the city and provoke encounters with the people for future actions.

PICTURINGS at Deutsche Bank Trendshop Berlin
Berlin, Germany
From March – July 2010, PICTURINGS and fancyBowls are on sale in the exhibition DESIGN FROM BERLIN presented by in the Deutsche Bank Trendshop Berlin.
Friedrichstraße 181, 10117 Berlin.

sharing in maxi magazine
SHARING featured in the November 2009 issue of Maxi Magazine.

PICTURINGS in glamour Magazine
PICTURINGS featured in the October 2009 issue of Glamour Magazine Italy.

PICTURINGS in petra magazine
PICTURINGS featured in the August 2009 issue of Petra Magazine.

Berlin, Germany
From June 3 – 9, 2009 PICTURINGS are presented and sold at DMY Shop in the Arena Berlin at the DMY INTERNATIONAL DESIGN FESTIVAL. In the festival’s central exhibition, the DMY Shop is the gallery and marketplace of the festival. The shop offers individual pieces from the exhibition and selected design items from all over the globe. at IMM COLOGNE
Cologne, Germany
From January 19-25, 2009 presents S3 SOFA TABLE with designspotter at IMM Cologne as part of [D³] Design Talents.

Berlin, Germany
Starting November 2008,
selected PICTURINGS are available at pushGALERIE Berlin.
Kollwitzstrasse 97, 10435 Berlin
Mo – Sa 11.00h – 18.00h

PICTURINGS in joy magazine
Featured in the issue October 2008 issue of Joy Magazine.

PICTURINGS at friends of carlotta
Zurich, Switzerland
From April 1 – December 31, 2008 PICTURINGS are available at Friends of Carlotta, Galerie für Schmuck und Objekte.
Neumarkt 22, 8001 Zürich.

ready to wear chair at Silke & the Gallery
Antwerp, Belgium
Silke & THE GALLERY 2008 new artist: Jennifer Flume (DE)
“Ready to Wear Chair” & “Collect memories” … PICTURINGS is a series of individual photo jewelry.

Tokyo, Japan
Following the designboom mart tokyo, PICTURINGS are on sale at the Mori Modern Arts Museum Shop starting January 2008. at BLICKFANG ZuRICH
Zurich, Switzerland
November 23 – 25,2007 exhibits PICTURINGS, READY TO WEAR CHAIR and S3 SOFA TABLE. The projects are part of the Newcomer Platform.

PICTURINGS at 100 % design tokyo 2007
Tokyo, Japan
As part of the cultural program of 100%design tokyo, designboom is hosting a group exhibition of international design, the designboom mart tokyo. Buy design souvenirs and limited editions directly from the designers. Featuring Toyko as new PICTURING City – sold out completely.

New York, USA
On May 10, 2007 the MoMA Design Store launches DESTINATION: BERLIN, a MoMA exclusive product collection spotlighting Berlin’s young and dynamic design scene. Over 80 products of 20 Berlin Designers are on sale in the MoMa Design Store. “Destination: Berlin” is the store’s biggest sales exhibition so far. Developed with the participation of KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Create Berlin, berlinomat and Berlin Partner.

Zurich, Switzerland
As of May 2007, PICTURINGS are available at saus&braus. The store represents a stage for 70 labels between fashion, jewellery, bags and apartment accessories.
Ankerstrasse 14, Zurich. in DPI Magazine
PICTURINGS , Ready to wear chair and SITCITY featured in the April 2007 issue of DPI Magazine.

SITCITY at tokyo designers week 2006
Tokyo, Japan
From October 31st – November 5th, 2006 SITCITY and ready to wear chair are on exhibition at Tokyo Designers Week. On show in the container exhibition by DMY Berlin.

ready to wear chair at atelierhaus rosa
Munich, Germany
Starting June 2006, ready to wear chair is on exhibition with Galerie Stefanie Seidl at Atelierhaus Hermann Rosa, Munich.

PICTURINGS featured in the May 2006 issue of TIP Magazine. at Salone Satellite 2006
Milan, Italy
Presenting S3 SOFA TABLE at the Salone Satellite 2006 during the Milan Furniture Fair.